CiES Customer Testimonials
What our customers say about us
Peace of Mind is Priceless
One of the BEST investments that I made on my A36TC was CiES fuel senders. Gone are my days off time/burn/fuel because Original Beechcraft gauges are sometimes "ideas of amount of fuel on board" and other times "No idea of fuel on board."
After spending lots of money on overhauling senders and fuel quantity circuit boards, etc. just to have this idea of fuel onboard from unreliable (and not to the 1/10th gallon of fuel on board) I [purchased] the Cies senders and WISH that I had done that very first thing when I bought my [OEM senders] 9 years ago. Now I KNOW EXACTLY what I have on board to a “T” at any given time. The peace of mind that comes with that is priceless.
Are they expensive? Yes. Did I hate to spend that money after [investing in] others over the previous few years? Absolutely. Do I regret it? Not at all. Quite the contrary. As soon as I got my plane home from the seller, I should have immediately pulled the old senders and threw them in the trash. Dip your tanks, vary quantity with eyeballs, have a good watch and do your fuel calculations until you save enough money for the CiES senders and you won’t be like me, having spent way more on fuel gauges than you had too. I bet you will eventually end up with CiES senders anyway.
Jamason Byrd
Beechcraft A36TC Bonanza
Impressive and Fantastic
We are so impressed with our fantastic senders! Thank you.
Vince Remcho
Beechcraft V35B Bonanza
Nothing Short of Amazing
Just did a new install of CiES fuel senders to JPI indicator. The difference between the Cessna floats and CiES is nothing short of amazing. Highly recommend the product.
Keith Stout
Cessna 185 Skywagon
Accuracy and Peace of Mind
I installed a JPI EMD900 in my 1972 177B last year when I put the overhauled engine in, and was not able to make the original Cessna fuel senders work with it. I ordered a set of CiES senders and finally got them installed in February. I have put a few tanks of fuel through since, and they have indicated within a liter or two of both the fuel consumption (as measured by the JPI) and the amount needed to refill the tanks. I am very pleased with the result, and it is a huge sense of peace of mind when flying in places where fuel sources are several flying hours apart.
Verified Purchase
Cessna 177B Cardinal
Accuracy to 0.05 Gallons
We installed the digital CiES fuel senders during recent avionics upgrades. Along with the fuel senders, we tied them into the Garmin 500EIS.
[It's] been almost six months and [we] really like them. We use the 500EIS calibration feature after almost every flight and rarely are we off by more than 0.05 gal - more often, the difference is 0.
Noel A. Poirier
Beechcraft A36 Bonanza
Confident in Gauges For First Time in 30 Years
I have installed CIES fuel senders on my Twin Comanche in conjunction with a JPI960. I am very pleased. They work great. I am confident in my fuel gauges for the first time since I have owned the plane. (1991).
Trace Blakely
Piper PA-30 Twin Comanche
Avoid Fuel Exhaustion Accidents
Thankful for the CiES in my Cirrus. Knowing that fuel exhaustion accidents can be avoided with this technology, feels like a no-brainer for any owner. Works great.
Tim Lay
Cirrus SR22T
Superior and Accurate Solution
The Aerospace Logic 'FL20xD' gauges and CiES sender combo is a superior and accurate solution to fuel level monitoring. Very happy with my install!
Verified Purchase
Beechcraft A36TN Bonanza
Seamless Garmin EIS Integration
Just got the upgrade done. I test flew it for two hours yesterday putting it through its paces and fortunately came out squawk free.
Garmin G500 and JPI EDM 930 were replaced with the Garmin G500 TXi and the new integrated Engine Information System (EIS). Also had CiES Fuel Senders installed for increased accuracy since one negative of the Garmin EIS on the single 10.6" screen is that it does not show remaining fuel based on the fuel flow transducer, but rather what the fuel senders show in the tanks. So I wanted to have good accurate instrumentation with this setup. The remaining fuel flow based on the fuel flow transducer data is available, but you have to bring up the Engine page on the MFD screen to see it.
I will say that the CiES integration with the Garmin EIS was pretty seamless and Garmin's interface for calibrating the senders was superb.
Verified Purchase
Mooney M20
Excellent Customer Service
I bought sensors for my Cessna 185 a few months ago and had some difficulties with the installation. Much of it was [due to an] incorrect schematic and wiring bundles from another company. Other issues were created by incomplete information in the Garmin 275 EIS installation manual.
Enter Daniel, your excellent customer support representative. Daniel did a great job of helping me through the many issues I encountered, and we finally got the installation completed and flown. He even invited me to call him on his mobile, should I need help outside business hours. That’s unheard of these days.
There are a lot of companies that can build a better mousetrap; but those which build that better mousetrap AND have great customer support are quite rare. You have that combination.
Michael Maya Charles
Cessna 185
Replaced Entire Fleet of 43 Piper Aztecs
We were having issues with our Piper PA-23-250 Aztec fleet and needed accurate sending units to go with our engine monitor installs. CIES answered that call! A simple phone call got us on the right track, and now we have started replacing our entire fleet (43 Aztecs) with these senders. And it's not just a great product, but the customer service and support is beyond compare. To everyone at CIES: Thank you and I look forward to further purchases!
Verified Purchaser
Piper PA-23-250 Aztec
Best Aviation Product Ever Purchased
Best aviation product I have ever purchased. Rock solid. Great customer support.
Justin Wilt
Cessna 182P Skylane
Trust My Fuel Gauges
I can actually trust my fuel gauges now!
Daniel Young
Piper PA-28R-200 Arrow
Great Accuracy With Four Bladder Cells
Recently installed CiES fuel senders in my Mooney M20E. Accuracy is great even though I have four bladders cells and only one CiES sender per wing.
Robert Belville
Mooney M20E
More Confident On Longer Flights
I've flown 30 hours with the new units and they're awesome. I am much more confident stretching my flights to five hours knowing the fuel on board accurately and partial fueling is much more precise.
Installation, in the end, was not overly problematic. It did take the guys a long time to figure out where and how to run the wires. Charged labor was 76 hours. No hiccups once calibrated, but that process also was poorly outlined. Overall installation was not straightforward, but I suspect it will be with practice.
Verified Purchase
Beechcraft B58 Bonanza
The Accuracy is Incredible
I had four CiES senders and an Aerospace Logic quantity gauge installed in my 79' Beechcraft B55 Baron. It was roughly $2200 for the parts and I'm guessing ten hours of labor.
The accuracy is incredible with new digital gauges. After burning 100 gallons of Avgas, I am within 1 gallon between fuel quantity gauge, JPI fuel totalizer value, and what gets pumped in by the fuel truck. I can now very accurately fuel for weight considerations and be confident of my remaining fuel, even as it gets down to less than 10 gallons in each tank. My original fuel gauges were useless as far as I was concerned. I went off fuel flow and time, which works well but will never tell you if you have a leak. Cross checking between two independent sources is better than one. I never want to be flying and not know exactly how much fuel I have.
Worth every dollar spent to me. It's a fairly simple install and both companies have excellent customer service and support. They both answered all my annoying questions.
If you are going to pull and repair something, just replace it with equipment that is so much better.
Verified Purchaser
Beechcraft B55 Baron
Now Have Confidence to Fly Long Distances
Great upgrade. Gave me confidence to fly to the Bahamas and know exactly how much fuel I have before the next fuel stop.
Dominik Kacpreak
Mooney M20J
Winning Bets With CiES Senders
Extremely accurate! My line guys take bets when I fuel up as to what my “used” value is and what they can squeeze in the tanks. I always win!
Rick Hock
Beechcraft F33A Bonanza
Over Four Years of Accurate Fuel Quantity
My plane's a Deb, not an A36. It was the first Beech single to get CiES senders. Mine are interfaced with an EDM930. It's been over four years since the install, and I'm still 100% satisfied. I'm an enthusiastic fan and supporter of the senders, CiES and Scott Philiben.
Brace yourself for an excellent customer service experience, an awesome, precise, and reliable product, and years and years of dependable and accurate fuel quantity indicators.
John Hefley
Beechcraft B33 Debonair
Works Perfect with the EDM-900
Straight-forward installation. Works perfect with the EDM-900. Love it.
Inger Rosch
Mooney M20E
Flawless Sending Units
The units have been flawless and I exhort the virtues of CiES (people and product) on every forum. You have definitely received Commander orders due to our advocation and happy to do so!
Tony Varga
Rockwell Commander
I can finally trust my fuel gauges
My analog resistive gauges were trash, and would often “disappear” 10+ gallons per side in the dead zone. Not super comforting when they’re off by that much, even when the totalizer is correct. I also like the fact that I can sync the totalizer to the gauges, so on start up as long as the gauges match what I put in / dipsticked, it’s as simple as hitting a single button to load the gauge totals to the totalizer. I can finally trust my fuel gauges.
Dan Murray
Cirrus SR22
Finally, We Have Accurate Fuel Readings
They work flawlessly. Installed with a JPI 900 engine instrument. Finally, we have accurate fuel readings.
Steven Lindrooth
Grumman AA-5B Tiger
Kissed Wandering Fuel Gauges Goodbye
CiES senders are an excellent product. Once you try them, the only thing you will question is how you managed to deal with wandering fuel gauges all those years.
Rodrigo Santos
Beechcraft C33A Debonair
Worth the Upgrade
I have the CiES senders with the Aerospace Logic gauge in my A36. Very satisfied with the installation. I believe you actually can use CiES senders with the existing gauges, but to me it was worth it to upgrade to the full digital implementation.
Lee Wenninger
Beechcraft A36TN Bonanza
Very Accurate and Reliable
Two years ago, I had four CiES senders and Aerospace Logic display installed in my Bonanza and I love them. Very accurate and easy to read. Reliable and reasonably priced.
John Dalman
Beechcraft F33A Bonanza
Very Happy With Our Choice
The install and support of CiES fuel senders has been easy and helpful. Very happy with our choice as we now have very accurate fuel levels!
Williams Hayes
Cessna Skymaster
Amazing Precision
I did the CIES-G3X calibration with my A&P, and we were able to get 39 gal into the tanks after putting in 3 gallons of unusable fuel (this was 0.0 in the calibration table). If you still have capacity beyond 37 gallons, you have to decide what to do. You can either flatten off the calibration curve at 37 or you can add another point or two. I added points for 38 and 39 gallons. If you do the former, you’ll have to burn a couple of gallons before you see any movement on the G3X gauge. Sounds like your shop did exactly the same as I did.
The digital senders connected to a glass panel offer precision that was unimaginable when my bonanza rolled off the assembly line with resistive floats and a small analog gauge.
As it turns out 74 gallons was conservative and we can actually get more in the tanks on a cool day. Whether you account for the extra weight (36 pounds for my situation) at station 75 in you W&B is up to you. I rarely operate near the boundaries of the envelope so I usually ignore the extra few gallons in my W&B (plus I have Foreflight W&B set up with 74 gallons [444 lbs] and have never changed it).
Bottom line, my fuel order is to the tabs, slots, or to the top, and I almost always top them off. Consistency of gauge readings and fuel totalizer/flow meter gives confidence in readings and fuel onboard during flight. Before resetting the Fuel Calculator, I’ll note the fuel used and compare to what was added. It is usually within 0.1 gallon. Amazing precision.
Eric Paterson
Beechcraft Bonanza
Worth the Upgrade
The cost to retrofit CiES senders to a pre-74 B55 is around $3200 (plus installation). That may seem "outrageous," but it's only about 50% more than what it costs to have the eight (2 per tank * 4 tanks) senders "overhauled." And my experience with overhauled senders is not very good. At best, the overhauled senders will perform as good as when new for a few years – which is to say they're accurate to within about +/- 5 gallons.
Properly calibrated the CiES senders appear to be within one gallon. In a Bonanza with two 40 gallon tanks, or a post 1973 Baron, there are only four senders so that cost is cut in half.
The last time I checked, new (1940s technology based) senders from Beech were around $1,600 each or over four times what CiES charges.
Verified Purchase
Beechcraft B55 Baron
All Six Tanks Within A Gallon Accuracy
The PA-30 senders are amazing! Garmin finally enabled six tank support with the latest TXI release and I couldn’t be happier with the fuel senders now. I now have all tanks calibrated to within a gallon accuracy.
The calibration was a massive PITA, but well worth it!!
Daniel Katz
Piper PA-30 Twin Comanche
Always Reliable and Always Accurate
Have flown CiES senders for several years now. Always reliable and always accurate. Love them.
Graham Bradbury
Piper PA-28-236 Dakota
A Word to the Wise
If your airplane is down for an upgrade, I would send your old fuel senders to CiES. This will ensure that the senders are appropriately set up the first time. Beechcraft, in all of their wisdom, made numerous different senders, inverting the bolt patterns on some, etc.
Verified Purchase
No Regrets On Accuracy
I was the first sender/gauge install for my shop. Charged 40 hrs. labor for install. (They said it was very simple and straight forward).
I asked every member of the shop to watch the YouTube video from Aerospace Logic for the calibration process. It's actually easy to do. As with everything, garbage in = garbage out.
One of my most valuable installs. Nothing better than knowing, DOWN TO THE 1/10th gallon, how much gas you have.
As far as Aerospace Logic goes... Outstanding product. Aerospace Logic service is interesting. Overall, no regrets.
Verified Purchase
Beechcraft K35 Bonanza
Increased Flying Enjoyment
My partners and I spent a lot of money upgrading our panel. The feature that increased my flying enjoyment the most was adding CiES fuel senders and real time electronic display. My wife always had the side eye when I was tracking fuel status and switching tanks. Now that she can instantly see fuel levels, it makes her a more willing co-pilot.
Stuart Taylor
Debonair C33
Love My CiES Sensors
Outstanding system. Very accurate. Love my CiES sensors. Would recommend to anyone. Great service.
Roy Callender
Cessna 172 Skyhawk
Answered the Questions I Didn’t Know to Ask
It was a few years ago that I installed my CiES senders in my Cardinal and quite often brag about their accuracy. And, when I was working on the installation around 10 o’clock at night, I dialed the number for CiES with the idea that I’d leave a message and they answered. They answered not only my questions, but also the questions I didn’t know I should ask. Thanks.
Mike Guidry
Cessna 172 Cardinal
CiES Senders Perform Flawlessly
CiES digital senders installed along with a JPI 930 in December 2018. You won't look back. They perform flawlessly and are within 0.3 gallons of the estimated remaining when I refuel.
James Kapantais
Beechcraft B33 Debonair
Happy I Bit the Bullet
I put in the JPI 930 and went ahead and bit the bullet on the CiES senders. When you a looking at spending a fair bit on money on the panel, it's really not that expensive. It's very reassuring to have the totalizer and the gauge agree within a couple of gallons.
You can get yourself in trouble with total reliance on the totalizer. It's a garbage in, garbage out device and you can get it out of sync with reality. I have personal experience with this, which is probably why I didn't balk at the price.
My old gauges were terrible. The JPI with the CiES senders always agrees with the totalizer within a couple of gallons. And it's within a gallon when the total fuel in the mains gets below around 30 gallons.
Is it an absolutely must have? No. But the new technology is clearly better and it's certainly an upgrade that I'm happy is available for my old plane.
Verified Purchase
Beechcraft F33A Bonanza
Takes All of the Stress Out of Calculating Reserves
Best thing I have added to my aircraft. Takes all the stress out of ensuring VFR/IFR reserves. Highly recommend it!
Lynn Pease
Cessna 182G Skylane
The Most Accurate Fuel Senders I’ve Ever Had
The most accurate fuel senders I’ve ever had in a piston single! The ones in my SF.260 work with a Garmin EIS system.
David Tan
SIAI Marchetti SF.260
A New Level of Fuel Assurance
Zero regrets. Get ready for a new level of fuel assurance.
John Hisghman
Beechcraft K35 Bonanza
Very Happy With the Results
Maybe I am an oddball. I just cannot imagine why any pilot would not want super accurate fuel gauges. Putting dollars aside, that seems like a no-brainer to me. My brother, Kurt and I met with Scott and got the pitch at Oshkosh last summer. I think he has done a tremendous service to GA with the development of CiES fuel senders and have put them on my list of "to-dos" for my Baron. Kurt has already put them in his Bonanza and is very happy with the result.
Verified Purchase
Beechcraft B55 Baron
Now I Know Exact Fuel Quantity
Six thousand feet above the coastal route from Ketchikan, Alaska to Friday Harbor, it’s never been more important to know exactly how much fuel you have! Thankful for the accuracy and reliability of our CiES fuel senders. Love them.
David Gerhardt
Cessna 185 Skywagon
Amazed With Accuracy After 35 Years
Amazing technology. After 35 years flying my 182, I installed CiES senders and G275 EIS and the fuel shown and pumped is always accurate to the gallon. Wonderful!
John Seibert
Cessna 182P Skylane
Extreme Customer Service
I purchased two CiES senders for my 1978 Cessna U206G that I am in the process of refurbishing. The CiES senders are connected to a brand new JPI EDM 930. After making the connections, we realized that we weren’t getting a fuel readout at the 930. After a few calls to JPI, we gave up and called CiES. CiES quickly diagnosed the problem, which was an incorrect setting in the 930. Even though I called JPI prior to manufacturing my EDM 930 and told them specifically that we’d be connecting to the CiES senders and a digital frequency signal, JPI incorrectly set the unit to receive a resistance signal.
CiES staff walked me thru the process to change the input which fixed the problem. They also gave me their personal cell phone number in case I had any problems! Now that’s what I call extreme customer service.
Thanks for the great product and great customer support.
Jim Cehula
Cessna U206G
Accurate Within 1/2 Gallon
We tried a number of resistive float senders with terrible accuracy. With CiES senders, our indicated fuel is within 0.5 gallons of the EDM830 totalizer every time!
Tony Varga
Commander 112
Great Quality and Accuracy
I install CiES every opportunity I get. Great quality and accuracy paired with Aerospace Logic or JPI.
Kurt Stevens
Beechcraft B33 Debonair
Love the CiES Senders
I had wanted the CGR as a fancy fuel gauge at first, with some bonus round dials ditched and extra logging. The leadtime killed that plan when the fuel gauge unexpectedly died on me. I needed something NOW. Having done it this way, I realize that is the better option anyway, since it frees up two primary instruments on the CGR. Expensive, but it worked out.
And I love the CiES senders. They rock. The Aerospace Logic gauge is fine. Does what it says on the can.
Verified Purchase
Cessna 172S Skyhawk SP
No Guessing Game Now
We have our CiES fuel senders installed with an Aerospace Logic gauge in our Cessna Cardinal. They are spot on. The Cardinal has a ring with holes in the tank - 22gal to holes. I filled it up to holes, turned master on and exactly 22.0 showed. No guessing game now. They are totally awesome.
Allen Rude
Cessna Cardinal 177B
We love hearing from you. Your stories inspire us and others.
A Totally New Experience
Accuracy... It's a totally new experience. I have two fuel totalizers; one in my Shadin and one in my G4. Maybe having accurate fuel gauges is overkill... But it's an overkill that I like.
Verified Purchase
Work with Resistance, Voltage Or Frequency
CiES senders can work by resistance, voltage or frequency. I would choose at a minimum voltage, if you can. Frequency is even better.
Verified Purchaser
Precisely Accurate
Yesterday, at 8500 AGL, I ran both R&L Auxiliary tanks down to 0.0 gals, at 47:35 on the clock, precisely as expected... A few seconds later... Fuel pressure begins to fall, immediately switched back to left main.
Verified Purchase
Now Able to Use the Complete Range of My Airplane
I see the fuel gauges being as important as the other components of the engine monitor. I believe the EGT/CHT/Oil temp/pressure, etc. all work to protect the investment in my engine. I see accurate fuel gauges along with accurate senders and accurate totalizer/flow data, as critical to allowing me to fly far with confidence in my fuel situation. Which is a safety factor. We hear regularly of accidents because of fuel miscalculation, misinformation or just carelessness. I'm trying to hedge against that happening to me. But at the same time, be able to use the complete range of my airplane.
In my mind, my engine monitor with the fuel gauges, is right up there with the most important safety equipment in my airplane. Obviously I've invested heavily in my panel, but the only item that for me was a "must upgrade" when I purchased the plane, was the engine monitor and CiES fuel senders.
Verified Purchase
Spectacular End Result
I have the CiES frequency senders, with matching Aerospace Logic gauges. Working with Aerospace Logic requires patience, but in the end, the result is really spectacular.
Verified Purchase
Amazing Accuracy
I didn't know going in that we needed to change out the fuel senders, so it was a pleasant surprise seeing the accuracy once it was complete. With the CiES fuel senders, it is amazing how accurate they are.
Verified Purchase
We love hearing from you. Your stories inspire us and others.